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Writer's picture: HOA Board of DirectorsHOA Board of Directors

The business we will conduct at our annual HOA meeting affects us all. Please participate, in person if at all possible, or through a proxy if you cannot join us. (more on the proxy below).

At this year's meeting we will elect a new Board member, consider amendments to our Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R), and discuss a proposal from a resident to increase our annual assessment (dues) from $500 per year to $600.

New Board Member: My term ends on Dec 31 and I will not be running for reelection. If you wish to become a candidate, and I hope many of you will do so, please submit your name and a brief statement (bio and / or platform) to the Board via email not later than Oct 1 2021. Brief is 1/2 of an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper. We will conduct this vote regardless of the number of attendees at the meeting. Each household gets one vote.

Amendments: Unlike voting in a new Board member, amending our CC&R requires the participation of at least 35% our our households, either in person or by proxy. If you cannot or will not attend, please consider giving someone in our community the power to vote for your households. Prior to the meeting will will send out proxy form for you to use to assign your proxy. No other form of proxy authorization will be accepted. If we cannot achieve that 35% threshold we cannot vote on any amendments. We have received two proposed amendments and expect more. Each household gets one vote per amendment.

We will publish all proposed amendments not later than Oct 16 to allow everyone to review and consider them. We anticipate allowing discussion on each at the meeting, but time constraints will determine if we can do that. We will not consider any amendments not received by Oct 16.

Annual Assessment: The amount of the annual assessment is a BOD decision. However, we welcome input from the community. One resident has proposed increasing the assessment to $600 for three consecutive years to build a cash reserve. We will allow residents to comment on this proposal at the meeting.

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