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1.    How much are the annual HOA dues?
Annual HOA homeowner assessment, often called dues or fees, is $500 per year. The assessment covers January 1 through December 31 of each year. The assessment is due not later than January 15 of each year. A late fee will be assessed for any payments after January 15. 


2.    Can I withhold my HOA assessment payment if I am unhappy with the HOA?
No you cannot. Homeowners are legally obligated to pay the annual assessment without exception. Failure to pay can result in the placement of a lien on your house. 


3.    What does the HOA buy with our assessment money?
The HOA is a non-profit corporation and uses all monies received for the benefit of the community. No salaries are paid to the members of the board or committees of the HOA. We have posted our annual budget and income & expense reports on the financial page of this web site. Most of our annual expenditures go to maintain and operate our common areas, the clubhouse, and the pool. 


4.    Who is allowed to use the pool?
Homeowners and members of their household are allowed to use the pool. Each homeowner is issued a pool gate key card to allow access during pool hours of operation. Home owners are allowed to have guests use the pool; however, those guests must be accompanied by the homeowner or a member of the homeowner’s household. 


5.    What are the pool hours of operation?
Generally, the pool is opened by May 1st of each year, and closed by October 1st of each year. The HOA Board has the authority to adjust the annual open and close date as it sees fit. During the pool season, the pool typically opens at 8am and closes at 10pm. Beginning May 1, 2021 we are conducting a temporary trial period of opening the pool at 6am. The results of this trial period will help the Board determine if the pool hours ought to be adjusted permanently.


6.    Are minor children allowed in the pool?
Children under 14 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian while in either pool as well as in the pool area.


7.    Can I reserve the clubhouse for a private function?
Homeowners in good standing, i.e., have paid their annual assessment may reserve the clubhouse on a space available basis, at no charge. Homeowners are responsible for leaving the clubhouse neat and clean following their function. Failure to do so will result in a fine and loss of clubhouse privileges for 18 months. [Work in Progress: Please go to the Calendar page to see the current schedule and submit a reservation request.]


8.    Can I reserve the pool for a private function?
The pool cannot be reserved for a private function.


9.    Can we fish in the ponds?
Homeowners and members of their household are allowed to fish in the ponds. Catch and release only. 


10.    When are garbage and recycling picked up? 
Garbage is collected every Thursday, except on holiday weeks. Then the pick-up day is one day later (Friday). Recycling is collected every third Thursday, except on holiday weeks. Then the pick-up day is one day later (Friday). However, collection days are subject to change depending upon weather and workload. Recycling sometimes runs a day of two late.


11.   I can't find my pool key card or  I never received a pool key card, how do I get one?

Replacement key cards are available for $50.00. We received a record of all cards issued from the previous HOA administrators. This record indicates which homeowners picked up their key card, which ones were mailed to the homeowner, and which cards were assigned, but never picked up. If you sell your home, please ensure the buyer receives your pool key card. Current residents who were not the original homeowner and did not receive a key card from the previous owner may receive a key card without paying the replacement fee.


12. How do I volunteer to join one of the HOA's committees.

Please use the form on the Contact page to send us a note. Please indicate which of our committees you would like to join. As of January 2022, the Architectural Control Committee is fully staffed, but our Community Care and Social committees need more willing hands.

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