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2023 HOA Annual Meeting

Writer's picture: HOA Board of DirectorsHOA Board of Directors

HOA Annual Meeting: 03 November 2021 | 6 pm – 8 pm | In-Person Only

Faith Lutheran Church | 660 Gillespie Rd, Madison, AL

Purpose: Elect a new board member, vote on proposed changes to the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R) if any, present the 2023 finance report and the 2024 budget, and, as time permits, address any member questions. We will accept written questions received no later than 27 October 2023. The Board will answer written questions after voting and before accepting other questions.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: In accordance with the provisions of our CC&R we cannot conduct a vote on any proposed changes to the CC&R unless at least 35% of the members (households) are represented, in person or by proxy, at the meeting. That means we need 97 members (households) represented, in person or by proxy, at the meeting. Please plan to attend or give your proxy to someone you trust to vote in accordance with your desires.

Member Check-in: To ensure vote integrity we will check in all members prior to convening the meeting. Check-in will commence at 5:30 p.m. and will conclude at or about 6 p.m. However, if, at 6 pm, we are still checking in members we will delay convening the meeting. We want everyone who shows up to be properly checked in and in possession of their official ballot. Official ballots will only be available at the meeting and upon check-in. Sample ballots cannot be used for voting. Please bring valid, government-issued identification to validate your status as a member of our HOA.

Board of Director Election: As of yet, we have no candidates for the open director position. Each candidate will be allowed three minutes to speak about their candidacy. We will then allow up to 15 minutes for questions to the candidates from our members. We will ask each candidate to submit a written summary of their candidacy which will be sent out prior to the meeting. If you wish to be a candidate, please notify the HOA using email or the contact form on our website.

Amendments: If sufficient members are present, in person or by proxy, we will review each amendment in turn and allow up to five minutes per amendment for members to speak out in support or opposition.

Voting: Members may mark their ballots at any time during the meeting. Ballots will be collected for counting following the amendment discussion.

Budget: The Board will present the 2023 finance report and the 2024 budget.

Q&A: Time permitting, the Board will answer member questions as best they can. The Board may elect to answer some questions after the meeting in order to gather and consider additional information.

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